How To Start An Instagram Blog

If you're looking to start an Instagram blog, it's easy! But first, let's look at How To Start An Instagram Blog. We'll show you how to set up your blog, how to keep it updated, how to monetize it, and ultimately, how to sell it later once it gets going.

how to start an instagram blog


There are two ways to use Instagram as a platform for your blogging. One, as a travel blogger. Travel blogger posts about their travels, photos, videos, and receipts to share the joys & pitfalls of their travels. Think of it as a visual diary of sorts. Another way, as a business blogger. As a business blogger, your main objective would be to drive traffic to your site so that you can earn an income from selling products and services.


So now we've established that an Instagram blog is both SEO-friendly and blog posts software. Next, we need to tie this all together. To do this, we need to use the #hashtag method on our blog posts and Instagram photos. The hashtag method allows you to conveniently identify your brand as well as keywords that you want people to search for. In essence, it spares your followers the trouble of searching for keywords.

How to Start an Instagram Blog


The most important part of how to start an instagram blog is being able to identify your target audience. For travel bloggers, this means focusing on places in Asia that are not too far away. For instance, if you're a blogger who mostly posts about traveling to Hawaii, then you probably won't want to venture into the North or South of the island states. You can still get started by targeting other regions that aren't as popular as Hawaii but have the potential to expand your fan base. This is especially important if you want to create niche blogs based off of areas frequented by a particular group of people.

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With how to start an Instagram blog, you have two different ways to promote yourself and your brand using hashtags. The first is by creating unique hashtags that allow users to find you through the hashtags in a search. The second is by promoting your hashtags with captions that are searchable. Captions allow readers to identify what the post is about right away and usually come up with an image, video, or link to your site.

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Since the feed has become very popular amongst bloggers, many marketers are looking into how to start an Instagram blog in order to promote their businesses. One great benefit that will come along with many bloggers choosing to incorporate an Instagram feed into their marketing strategy is brand partnerships. Brand partnerships are beneficial because they give the bloggers more exposure and credibility with their readers. The more brands that we are able to align ourselves with, the more trust we can earn from our readers.

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For example, there are a number of food bloggers that have created popular food related hashtags on Instagram. If a company saw one of these bloggers make use of their product, it would likely do them a lot of good to try and get a deal with them. The same can be said for brands that might be interested in offering Sous Vide cooking techniques.


There are many people that have used an Instagram feed to promote their business and this is why it is growing in popularity. The key to getting the most out of your Instagram posts is ensuring that your content is interesting, informative, and adds value to your followers. The more useful you make your content, the more likes and shares you will receive. As your popularity grows, you may begin to see sponsored posts appearing on your Instagram page. It is important to remain vigilant and be ready to offer up insightful and valuable information to as many people as possible.

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