How Long Can A Human Survive Without Water?

How Long Can A Human Survive Without Water? That is the question that has baffled man for eons and will continue to perplex mankind well into the future. Sadly, the answer isn't known and will probably remain unknown for another million years or more. Until then, scientists, explorers, and enthusiasts will continue to try to determine how long a human can survive without food and water. Here are a few things that have been proven to be accurate time after time.

how long can a human survive without water


It may seem impossible to believe, but over the years, some people have survived on a starvation diet. The record is 2 years, 16 months, and three days. Amazingly, these people were eventually discovered by the outside elements. They survived and thrived and some say it was because of the memory of their own survival stories.


Of course, not everyone can live this long without water. Some people may be able to survive with a little bit of food and water, but most will not make it. For example, African children will rarely survive two weeks without water. The same is true for infants and adults. Most people who live in rural areas will find themselves living without water for many days at a time. While this may seem like a lifetime, it is actually just a few short weeks.

How Long Can A Human Survive Without Water?


Not only does water supply the body, but it also plays an important role in the psychological well being of the human mind. Many experts agree that lack of adequate water can lead to poor psychological health. When a person is dehydrated, the brain typically lacks water as well. The result is the same - poor mental health.

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As humans evolved from creatures that lived in the trees and hunted animals that walked on the ground, we became less reliant on trees and other resources. Nowadays, we have plentiful sources of water just waiting to be used. However, most people take it for granted. In the past, people used natural rainwater to bathe and flush toilets. While this was generally good for the environment, there were environmental problems associated with it, especially as more people started to farm land and use it to grow food.

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The use of natural water sources dried up - and people had to find new ways to make water available to their needs. The answer was to install large dams. These dams prevent precipitation from coming into a region and use the precipitation to turn large amounts of rock into water. This water is then used to meet the needs of people. Unfortunately, the use of this method has led to the drought that seems to be hanging over us currently.

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How long can a person survive without water? It depends upon where you live and how much water you use. Most people in the developed world are lucky to not face any long term problems with water. Those who live in places like Africa and the Middle East know the answer to this question all too well. Of course, if you want to live in an area that is regularly subjected to drought conditions, you may need to find alternate sources of water.


How long can a person survive without water is a difficult question to answer. The short answer is - not for very long. If you are part of the human race, you must think about how you can continue to eat and drink as well as keep your basic needs met long enough to make it through the dry seasons.


Since ancient times, people have used water from natural sources to quench their thirst and keep their bodies hydrated. Although this was more convenient than using sources of water from rivers, lakes and the like, it simply did not provide the kind of nourishment that humans need. It may have been more convenient and easier to just pull water from the water table, but this was only reasonable because water is so precious and long term use of such water would definitely pose some sort of health risk.


How long can a person survive without water depends on the type of survival formula that he or she has decided to follow. Survivalists consider water to be one of the most important factors in one's survival when it comes to various types of emergencies and disasters. When disaster strikes, it is very common for people to depend on whatever means they have at their disposal to try and stay alive. The problem is that there is no such thing as absolute security and there is always going to be a risk factor involved.


For people who want to know how long can a human survive without water, there are different formulas out there which can help them come up with an answer. However, it is important to note that these formulas vary depending on the person in question. What may be acceptable to you may not be as acceptable to another. One way or the other, the answer that you get to follow will have to be based on your unique circumstances and situations.

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