How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be the most unwelcome of all insect pests. They produce annoying, high-pitched noises, emit painful bites that leave itches and, in more severe cases, can even transmit serious infections. As a result, many people try all types of home remedies for How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes. These range from heavy duty insect repellants, tablets and sprays. Mosquitoes are a persistent problem and there is no one magic solution to dealing with them. However, this article will teach you how to get rid of mosquitoes both indoors and outdoors in your home and provide tips for surviving the experience.

how to get rid of mosquitoes


To start with, it's important to recognise the difference between nuisance mosquitoes and those that bite. For example, mosquitoes tend to huddle in places where moisture is available, such as along the edges of ponds or standing water in a yard. In contrast, adult mosquitoes are active throughout the year in places where there are moisture and warmth. They tend to cluster around plants such as palms and trees, along the edges of pond beds and in stagnant water. Finally, larvae and eggs are produced by mosquitoes at night, during hot dry weather conditions.


So, how to repel mosquitoes? Well, one option is to use a product called Citronella, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or discount store. Simply apply one cup of the essential oil into a container of water, bring the container to your next treatment and put the container into the grass or close to a flower bed.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes


If that doesn't work, there are other methods you can try, including insect repellent dusts, folders, and even mosquito foggers. These products all work in the same way: a fine mist containing an insect repellent is blown over the area being treated. However, some will contain a stronger concentration of the insect repellent than others, so be sure to read the label carefully.

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There are other options for controlling mosquitoes. You can make your own pesticide. Purchase some granulated white powder at your local hardware store and mix it with some water. While the powder may seem unlikely to attract mosquitoes, it can repel them! Spray the mixture on areas that attract mosquitoes. Just be sure to wear latex gloves when doing this to prevent yourself from becoming stung.

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Another way to treat adult mosquitoes is to lay out baits in or around your yard. These baits can be natural repellents like eucalyptus leaves, or you can purchase mousses and powders as well. The idea behind these baits is that adult mosquitoes would ingest the oil in the mousses and powders and then become sick. The same would apply to the adult mosquitoes that were biting you. While it may take some time to notice an effect, once the mosquito has been repelled there will be no problem re-infested!

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Lastly, another option for how to get rid of mosquitoes is to utilize some of the new mosquito traps that are available on the market today. These traps have a small bed where the adult mosquito lays their eggs, which they cannot break free from until they reach adulthood. When the eggs have hatched and the mosquito is dead, the traps break them free by sending a shock through the wires, which is enough to scare the adult mosquito and allow you to catch them in time before they reach adulthood.


While it may be true that some of these methods are effective at eliminating adult mosquitoes, you must bear in mind that no method can be 100 percent effective. So do not be discouraged if your area still ends up with a live mosquito. Also note that some of these methods, such as using lemon balm or eucalyptus oil, may be too harsh on your skin. If you are suffering from a severe case of itching from scratching, you may want to consider using something more mild, such as Tea Tree Oil, or maybe even some of the newer mosquito repellent products being sold on the market today. While they are certainly harsher than the lemon balm or eucalyptus oil alternatives, they have proven to be very effective in eliminating mosquitoes from any area.

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